Swineshead Village Children's Drama Group
Last updated Friday 12th May 2000

As many of the regular visitors to this site will know, the Swineshead Village Children's Drama Group Committee decided to temporarily remove the bulk of the website, pending an investigation of certain complaints and allegations against the www.fortunecity.com web space provider.  It was alleged that a number of visitors had been exposed to inappropriate and sexually suggestive advertisements, of the kind that may corrupt children.  Visitors will know how upset the Founding Director had been to learn of such images being linked to my innocent and wholesome website; he felt that it had potentially blackened and corrupted the ideals which the Swineshead Village Children's Drama Group leaders behold.

Our investigations have taken a great deal of time and effort, to ensure that nothing like this is repeated.  Every possible effort has been made to cover each issue, and we hope that you will accept and agree with our findings.  If you do not, please contact us at any of the e-mail addresses that can be found near the bottom of this page.

We have:

FortuneCity advertising
AdvertiserAdvert detailsFrequencyPercentage
StepStoneComputer and Business vacancies1618.5%
ShopSmartTrip to Las Vegas78.1%
Trip to New York City78.1%
Build WAP site44.7%
WAP drive55.8%
Totally Free Internet22.3%
1,500 secure shops11.1%
Global Business11.1%
Big Kahuna11.1%
University of Sarasota11.1%
Win a BMW11.1%
Win a digital camera11.1%
Thomas Cook holidays66.9%
Skin Your Browser2124.%



Details of the advertisers described in the table above.
StepStone is a company devoted to finding and advertising jobs primarily in the computing and business sectors.

ShopSmart advertises and offers links to a wide variety of other web sites:

However, ShopSmart does place great importance upon their Skin Your Own Browser advert.

Skin Your Own Browser
This does sound like an inappropriate website, and indeed the illustrative picture could be considered to be sexually suggestive.  However, when you follow the hyperlink to the homepage of http://hotbar.com  it can be seen that the "Skin Your Own Browser" site is not inappropriate at all.  In fact, this inspirational website offers a range of wallpapers which you can use to personalise your browser bar, which is also known as a toolbar.  You can choose "skins" from a number of different categories:

We have included some examples of these "skins" for you to see.


There is a section which involves making and sending your own "skins" to http://hotbar.com but in the terms and conditions of this service it is made clear that offensive and unacceptable "skins" will not be tolerated.

FortuneCity keeping the streets clean.
If you visit www.fortunecity.com, you will be informed that FortuneCity employs a number of City Guides.  It is their job to explore all websites in their area, ensuring that there are no examples of:

Their ethos is quite clear: 'At FortuneCity.com, we are building the only true democratic community in cyberspace. We offer an environment where citizens develop relationships, build homes, and have a direct impact on the development of their community. This unique relationship allows us to focus on meeting the desires and needs of our citizens and advertisers.'

    Advertising Standards Authority.   

We have also researched archived adjudications to see if there are any other examples of enforced advertising and its perceived effect on the host site.  To date no such examples have been found.  We will, of course, continue to search the archives.  Please do let us know if you find any pertinent examples.

The ASA adjudicates complaints concerning advertising according to the following categories:

The Committee tentatively concludes from our investigations that FortuneCity is a relatively safe environment for my website to exist in.  We accept that some people may have been disgruntled or offended by adverts which they experienced.  However, after hours of searching through the FortuneCity, we have seen nothing which could cause offence.  PLEASE, if you do see something advertised which you do not like, e-mail us at:

        Founding Director: cft.nnewitt@supanet.com

        Public Relations: drama@axis162.netscapeonline.co.uk

We will be pleased to hear from you, and will act on your worries as soon as possible.  Then, also send your complaint about the advertising to FortuneCity, by following the links from www.fortunecity.com or